Thank God, someone invented the "first AI that makes you cry".
Text-to-speech is a heavily used and very useful technology, but it doesn't often bring tears to our eyes while reading to us. Finally! AI can grieve ...
Text-to-speech is a heavily used and very useful technology, but it doesn't often bring tears to our eyes while reading to us. Finally! AI can grieve ...
Microsoft should make a bumper stick that says "64-bit or bust" and include it with retail boxes containing Windows 10. It's already the end in many w...
Bethesda has released its 2020 roadmap for Fallout 76 and revealed its plans for the year. The game will feature a new storyline featuring the Brother...
[The Nvidia Ampere GTC keynote has ended. Jensen Huang returned wearing his trademark black leather jacket. We all got a tour of the Nvidia CEO's kitc...
I will always fondly remember visiting the local movie theater and playing on a beat-up old DDR arcade machine placed awkwardly in one corner. Ever si...
Diablo 3 evolved over the years into a new and highly successful Blizzard title, but it was not universally loved at the time of its new release. One ...
More and more people are turning to games to pass the time in quarantine, and while there have been some delays, games are still being released and up...
[Super Mega Baseball 3 is fantastic. And now it's here! Super Mega Baseball 3 launched today on Steam, bringing Canadian developer Metalhead Software'...
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