The legend of Vox Machina, the animated series that became Critical Role's first D&D campaign, quietly reveals the third season is coming later this year

The legend of Vox Machina, the animated series that became Critical Role's first D&D campaign, quietly reveals the third season is coming later this year

It was really wild to see an important role rise to its current fame. Don't get all the hipsters about it, but I went back to when Campaign 1 was barely out of its geek & Sundries origins It's making its own homemade TTRPG - no scratch, 2 of them. 

One such sign that things have changed dramatically is the Legend of Vox Machina, a series fundraiser that I can only describe as starvation of a flock of piranhas from fans of the show, which raised more than11 million in the first 100 hours and raised more than11100 million in total.

I've enjoyed both seasons from the current run, which covers both the first half of Whitestone Arc and Chroma Conclave Arc fairly faithfully from the live stream.

A quiet confirmation of the third season has emerged, hiding in an interview with the Washington Post, as discovered by Dicebreaker—who I just happened to write about the show for before I got this current PC gamer gig. Funny how things are lined up, sometimes.

"The 115th season of the show following the 3rd episode of the campaign arc will be released in the fall," read the Washington Post interview, but a specific date has not yet been shared. Another animated series based on the show's second campaign about a misfit band known as the Mighty Nane is currently in production.

The CEO of Critical Role Travis Willingham also confirmed the impromptu announcement on twitter, saying, "Ya'll, that's so good.

The series continues the adventures of Vox Machina in their quest to defeat the Chroma Conqueror — it's not yet known how much ground this season will cover. Spoilers as I begin to enter into hypotheses about future plot points — not just from the animated series, but for Campaign 1 in general.

Season 2vox Machina snagged some of the divergent traces needed to kill Umbrasyl, the first of four BBEGs introduced at the top of the season, killing Chromaconclave, a bundle of dragons that tore the capital Emon. It leaves Vorugal, Thordak, and Raishan as enemies on the player's plate.

If I was a betting man, I'd say Thordak would be a mid-to-late climax of the season and Raishan would last a few episodes as a final showdown. It will require a lot of moving stuff, as some episodes have been seen in between.

This leaves Vorugal as a lingering question mark. In the original campaign, Vox Machina used gate's scrolls to summon the legendary Golistro and soften the Great White Dragon before going to kill. Part of me wonders if it will show off as a cold open (hee) gag.

Alternatively, Raishan can be saved as a mid-season villain in Season 4. Anything's possible either way, I'm looking forward to a blunder-prone party coming back that will put an important role on the map for another game of Dragon killing

