The latest installment in EA's "Madden NFL" series was released on August 28, and as part of a new partnership between EA and Valve, the PC version is now available on Steam and Origin User reviews on Steam are currently "Mixed" and even worse on Metacritic. At the time of this writing, the PC version has a user score of 1.2, while the PS4 version has a score of 0.4. This is even lower than Warcraft 3: Reforged's lowest record of 0.5.
Common complaints include bugs and glitches, many of which were carried over from previous versions of "Madden NFL," such as the "Yards" mode with "house rules" backyard football, which undermines even parts of the game that players half-admire There are also new glitches, like the FIFA Ultimate Tournament, where players max out their credit cards for the chance to unlock their favorite players. Players are hoping for more updates to the franchise mode and the neglected simulation aspect of "Madden NFL."
"EA never lets us down when they let us down," wrote one user, while another summed up their stance, "This is Anthem with cleats on."