Summer Games Done Quick, a virtual speedrun-a-thon, concluded this weekend, raising a whopping $2.3 million to support Doctors Without Borders, an independent organization that provides emergency medical aid to people affected by war, epidemics and disasters.
This is actually a decrease compared to the last two major GDQ events, Summer Games Done Quick 2019 and Awesome Games Done Quick in January 2020, which broke the $3 million mark. However, SGDQ 2020 was also an online-only event due to the COVID-19 outbreak, so $2.3 million is not a measly sum. The money raised from this year's event represented the total amount of money raised by GDQ for charities around the world, including Doctors Without Borders, Prevent Cancer Foundation, Direct Relief, AbleGamers, and the Organization for Autism Research, among others. totaled more than $27 million since 2010.
If you missed any of the competitions (which was held 24/7, all week long, so there is a good chance you did), you can watch the archives on the GDQ YouTube channel: less than 45 minutes for "KOTOR", less than 6 minutes for "ALF", less than 30 minutes for "Ori and the Will of the Wisps" under 30 minutes, "Dusk" under 20 minutes, "Half-Life" under 31 minutes and 16 seconds, etc.: Alyx is 31 minutes and 16 seconds, which is particularly interesting because it is a VR game and requires a bit more athleticism than the others. See below.
Incidentally, the next GDQ events are Fleet Fatales, November 15-21, and Awesome Games Done Quick 2021, January 3-10, 2021.