The current leadership of the Hearthstone team is not afraid to shake things up, as the release of the Demon Hunter, the first new class since the game's launch, has shown. So when a recent survey was sent out suggesting a revamp of the Battlepath style, players reacted calmly and cautiously.
That was a joke, they panicked on Reddit, and while Blizzard confirmed that a "major overhaul" of the game's reward structure is planned, game director Ben Lee He explained that the new system will maintain the current value that players can earn in the game. Of course, that still did not completely subside, so game designer Dean 'Ixar' Ayala gave it one more try.
Just after a social media break, Iksar went straight to Reddit to provide more information about the potential changes. He said players should expect to earn "a little more gold and more non-gold" in the future, while getting "equal or better rewards" compared to the current system.
He also noted that gold would be removed as a reward for quests and replaced with XP: "Our system is intended to be better for all players. We have done numerous checks on different player demographics to make sure that no matter how you play, it is so."
And in case we didn't get it right the first time, it should be easy to adjust the formula." Says Ayala, "We have a tuning knob for XP and XP bonuses per level in case our predictions are wrong.
Completing new quests helps players level up, and Ayala says most of the rewards will be gold. Similarly, if they are banking gold to spend on the first day of a regular expansion, they should be able to open about the same number of packs as usual, with "additional non-gold rewards."
As in the past, evidence of this special pudding will only be known when players crunch the numbers in the real world. Earning gold in the game is essential to the free-to-play audience Blizzard needs to maintain its gaming population. Earning other kinds of rewards, perhaps cosmetic ones, over the course of the expansion seems more interesting than the current system, which has changed little since launch. Let us know below what you'd like to see (new rogue heroes please) and we'll be happy to help.