This week, August 27, "Surgeon Simulator 2" will be released on PC, and Bossa Studios has released a new gameplay trailer. The trailer also has some great music in it, which I really like. I think this is what we call a bop. Thanks, please release the whole soundtrack soon.
In the trailer, a crew of brave surgeons attempt to replace a defective heart. They do the usual Surgeon Simulator stuff like stabbing and removing organs and shattering ribs with hammers, but the game features a much more dynamic environment. Surgeons must run from room to room to retrieve replacement organs, painkillers, and blood supplies for patients. In one scene, a replacement head is needed, and they must first activate the machine, then figure out where the machine's conveyor belt has taken the new head.
This time around, Surgeon Simulator 2 is more than just a game; it includes a fancy set of creation tools designed to let players create their own wild puzzles and surgeries. These are pretty powerful, and Bossa Studios says they can be used to create other games altogether, and they show why in a bonkers trailer.
For more information, visit the official Surgeon Simulator 2 website or purchase the game from the Epic Store.