Intel has announced that it will unveil its 11th generation Tiger Lake laptop processors on September 2. This information was posted on Intel's investor website, which lists two dates: a September 2 de facto announcement and an August 13 update from Raja Koduri, Intel's chief architect.
The Xe graphics engine is the most interesting aspect of the new chip, which should enable ultra-thin and light laptops to achieve playable frame rates for the latest games (though probably not at the highest settings). Intel's Ryan Shrout previewed playing Battlefield V on Tiger Lake in June, and it looked pretty good.
Of course, we'll have to wait and see how this translates to actual laptops, but from the demos we've seen so far, we can't help but be a bit optimistic about this latest development in integrated graphics.
We know that Tigert Lake will be manufactured on Intel's 10nm+ manufacturing process and will use the Willow Cove CPU architecture alongside the Xe GPU architecture; Acer has already announced that a new version of its Swift 5 laptop will use the new Tiger Lake processor and will be available in October.
We recently covered several trademark filings by Intel for the EVO brand, and it is worth noting that the graphics appear to match the image of the "Something Big" event that was announced three weeks ago. Intel's 11th generation laptop processors may also be completely rebranded.