After various obstacles and controversies, the U.S. Army has confirmed its intention to return to Twitch "in the near future," and in a statement provided to Kotaku, an Army spokesperson said that not only will the channel be reopened, but previously banned members will also be able to participate again.
"The team is reviewing and clarifying stream policies and procedures and will offer everyone who was banned the opportunity to participate in the space as long as they follow the team's guidelines," the statement read. It also clearly states that "personal attacks, vulgar language, pornography, harassment, and bullying will not be tolerated on the stream." [Of course, these things are prohibited by Twitch's own policies, and the statement does not mention the cause of the recent flare-up, in which a user was banned for asking about American war crimes in the channel's comment stream. This immediately raised the question of whether the U.S. Army, clearly an agency of the U.S. government, was violating the First Amendment by regulating speech in public.
Last week, an amendment proposed by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to ban military recruiting on Twitch was rejected. The U.S. Army account recently violated Twitch's terms of service when a link it provided for a contest to win an Xbox Elite Series 2 controller linked to an Army recruitment form that did not actually mention the prize.