The PlayStation 4 increasingly appears to be the primary platform for Marvel's Avengers, and in a blog post detailing the Community Challenge and Cosmetics, Crystal Dynamics announced that the platform, and PS5 In addition to the talking web-slinging heroes, Crystal Dynamics announced that more exclusive titles will be available when the platform, and PS5, launches.
Making one of Marvel's most popular heroes a PlayStation exclusive ruffled some feathers, if not a complete surprise. With Marvel's "Avengers" slated to feature a string of heroes, one would hope that someone will fill the spider-shaped gap, but it's a shame that Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix started tying the character to the platform just before launch. And now, PlayStation players have even more to offer.
With each new hero, PlayStation players will get a month of exclusive access to costumes, emotes, takedowns, and nameplates, including the six heroes that will launch with the game on September 4. PS Plus subscribers will receive even more perks and will unlock a bundle for each hero, allowing them to use different outfits, nameplates, and 100 credits. In addition, a Ms. Marvel bundle will be available at launch.
PS4 players will also be among the first to participate in the Marvel's Avengers beta; the pre-order beta will begin on August 14 on PC and the open beta on August 21, while PS4 players can join the pre-order beta on August 7
. Platform exclusives are not uncommon, but they are often split between platforms. In this case, everything seems to be going Sony's way: a unique hero for Xbox and PC will likely ruffle some of those feathers, but so far there is no word on anything other than a PlayStation exclusive.