Bungie relegates entire planets to the vaults; with the arrival of Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Mars, Mercury, Titan, and Io will all be removed from the map. Because of this, a modder has rebuilt most of Mars for Garry's Mod.
"If Bungie wants to keep Mars, I'll have to spend 200 hours building it myself," Quantum said on Reddit. This is because I wouldn't want to spend 200 hours building a map that I think is there.
Quantum recreated the Braytech Futurescape region, but the limitations of the Hammer Editor, especially the brush count, made it impossible to add the entire Mars of Destiny 2. In addition, fragments had to be cut, and measurements were taken by eye on the map rather than using exact numbers.
Despite calling it "the most boring 200 hours of my life," Quantum is already considering making more Destiny 2 maps. Eventually, he may be able to revisit all the Vault worlds in Gmod.
Until then, you can download TTT_Braytech from Steam Workshop and start working on it now; Quantum also notes that although it was made for Trouble in Terrorist Town, it's also a good place for sandbox shenanigans Quantum is also a good place for sandbox shenanigans, although it was created for Trouble in Terrorist Town.