Season 3 of Fortnite introduced a freshly flooded map, with existing locations like Slurpee Swamp hidden underwater, while new areas appeared above the water. That information was included in the Season 3 guide on map changes, but now things are changing again. The water has receded and the Atlantis location that fans have been anticipating since they saw Aquaman's skin has appeared.
Gone is the vortex that previously dominated the northwest corner of the map and launched players who swam over it into the air. In its place stands Atlantis. It is actually called Coral Castle, not Atlantis, but you get the idea. There is quite a bit of loot in this new POI, and some new elements like the conches. The conches can produce notes with interaction and will probably be part of a future challenge.
Slurpy Swamps are also back as the water level drops, and the floating Fortilla has turned 90 degrees. The return of this dry land seems to have paved the way for Fortnight's long-awaited vehicle.