Achievements that have been on the Epic Games store's "to do list" for over a year are finally coming: Epic announced today that achievements may now appear in "certain games" in the store when they are unlocked.
Not the most etched-in-stone words I've ever read, but it seems to be happening: although I wasn't aware of it, fellow PC Gamer Morgan told me yesterday that the achievements were showing up in Ark: Survival Evolved on the Epic Store.
It's good to see the Epic Games Store moving forward. However, as expected, not everyone who responded to the tweet was impressed by the fact that it took so long, and there is some confusion as to which games actually support achievements: for example, there is no mention of achievements on the Ark store page, and the game store cannot be seen. Still, we have to move forward one step at a time.
Epic has said nothing more than the above tweet about implementing achievements, but Trello's Epic Games Store roadmap lists achievements as "Up Next as "Up Next.
Update: According to an Epic representative, only "Ark: Survival Evolved" currently has active achievements. We expect this list to grow soon.