"Rainbow Six Siege" patch Y5S2.3 has been delayed; Y5S2.3 was scheduled to be released today, but about an hour after its scheduled release, Ubisoft sent a notice that "unforeseen circumstances" had forced the delay.
Along with balance changes to the three operators, the update also makes a mechanical change that players who are pushed through walls by Nomad's air jab or Oryx's dash will take 5 HP of damage, the same damage Oryx takes when dashing through soft walls will be made.
No word yet on when the patch will be available, but we will update as soon as it is. In the meantime, you can check out the patch notes below.
If you've ever stepped on a Lego... This hurts more.
We want to make life a little easier for the gridlock player by making her gadgets a little more fun to use.
Rainbow has goats that dash.
We want Oryx to use his dash more and hope the added mobility and durability will make his play a little more fun.
Hide the hostage!
The additional charge gives Fuse a little more presence and utility.
Bug fixes: