Glumberland's cute life-sim "Ooblets" launched in Early Access this month on the Epic Games Store. Thanks to the latest update, you can now also dispose of Ooblets by releasing "surplus" Ooblets into the wild.
While this may seem a bit counterintuitive for a game whose goal is to collect these little critters, it is a welcome addition for players (myself included) who collected too many Ooblets when they first arrived in the land of Oob.
While the number of ooblets a farm can accommodate is limited, the new feature allows for more space by releasing excess ooblets. The freed orblets are placed in the wildland at the top of the map and can be run around as much as desired.
Wildlands is not yet available for exploration in Early Access, so releasing an orblet will not allow you to get it back until a future update. If you are saying goodbye to your third lampstump, be warned that it will be a long goodbye.
When chatting with Outgrid about releasing Oubliettes back into the wild, Gramberland has included a short notice briefly explaining the dangers of releasing real-life pets into the wild.
An important reminder: orbs are much safer than the real world. Never abandon your real-life pet in the wilderness. Do not keep a pet that you cannot take care of for the rest of your life. If you do need to keep it, arrange to surrender it at a local animal shelter.
Glumberland has not announced a full-fledged release date for Ooblets, but the early access version will allow you to farm, craft, and dance until the cows come home. He understands the comfort of doing small tasks and gently helps the Ooblets fit in with life, countering the daily grind found in other lifesims.