Asus on Tuesday announced the ROG Falchion, a compact wireless keyboard for gamers with RGB lighting and Cherry MX mechanical key switches. It also features a unique interactive touch panel on the left-hand side and comes with a cover for "protection on the go" in case you want to take it with you (e.g., to a LAN party).
It's an interesting collection of features, not limited to the touch panel: not to be confused with the LCD screen, this is essentially a touch-enabled strip that can be used to "adjust personal settings and customize controls." Most people will probably use it to tweak RGB lighting and volume.
The keyboard connects to the PC via a 2.4GHz wireless dongle; Asus says the keyboard has a "gaming-grade" 1ms response time, and switching from a wired to a wireless connection will not cause any noticeable delay.
Asus did not say which version of Cherry's MX RGB keyswitch will be offered on this keyboard, but one thing we are happy to see is the inclusion of arrow keys.
As for battery life, Asus claims the ROG Falchion will run for up to 400 hours with RGB lighting turned off. However, no mention is made of how long it will last with per-key lighting turned on.
Pricing and availability have not yet been announced.