"Untitled Goose Game," a game based on the bratty goose, will be available on vinyl. It will be released in "Q4 2020" (i.e., late this year or early next year) and is available for pre-order now. It is a green record with a very tricky twist. It is double grooved vinyl, and the order of the songs is basically randomized. In other words, "every time you put the needle down, you are rolling the dice as to which way the music will go."
This is an excellent approach to capturing the game's stunning reactive soundtrack, which is based on Claude Debussy's Prelude. The game's composer, Dan Golding, broke down Debussy's composition into "hundreds of stems" for the studio House House.
The LP itself is made on "reproduction" vinyl. Here's what it looks like:
The LP is priced at $30 and is probably the first time a goose has graced the sleeve of a Debussy-related record. A new physical version of this game is also available for the Nintendo DS and PS4.
According to our review, The Untitled Goose Game was "hilarious, engaging, and satisfying to play."
Update: Composer Dan Golding went on to find out if this is in fact the first goose to appear on a Debussy-related record, as we suggested. As it turned out, we had underestimated the number of geese that had appeared thus far.