"Strange Adventures in Infinite Space" is a science fiction roguelike game developed by Digital Eel and released by Cheapass Games in 2002. Imagine a line running from the "Star Control" series to "FTL" and place your finger roughly in the middle of it, and there you will find "Strange Adventures in Infinite Space".
It's about piloting an Enterprise-style spaceship, daring to go where no one is legally allowed to go, and exploring an alien system before it is declared open. The goal is to fly from planet to planet, find alien species to trade and battle with, discover new technologies, and return home within the time limit. Each game in Strange Adventures lasts less than 20 minutes, but it gets shorter if you get blown up by Tan Ru's destructive weapons near the fourth planet. It's a snack-sized video game on par with party pies or those you give to kids in countries where putting beef in candy is weird.
Digital Eel produced several sequels available on Steam, Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space and Infinite Space 3: Sea of Stars, but the original game is no longer supported, Windows 7 and beyond, and fell victim to various graphical glitches. This new updated version is compatible with the latest operating systems (there is also a Mac option) and remains DRM-free and pay-as-you-go. It also comes with community-made mod packs such as "The Urluquai Crusade" and "Even Stranger Adventures in Infinite Space," available for download from itch.io.