After a month of exhaustive searching and clever distributed computing, Minecraft players have discovered what may become the seed of Minecraft's title screen, first added to the game in 2011 and only relatively recently replaced by patch 1.13 The background panorama is one of the most iconic in the history of the game. However, it was not known which world this panorama belonged to until yesterday, when digital explorers discovered the world in question and posted it on Reddit.
A world seed is a specific sequence of numbers that generates a unique world in Minecraft. The source of the title screen was a mystery, as the generated worlds and their screenshots were not recorded as to who took them in Minecraft's foggy past. There are actually two candidates for the panorama world, as worlds can be unique overall, yet have similar or identical features.
The project was launched on the 14th of last month and utilized a distributed computing project called Minecraft@Home. The project is also looking for the tallest cactus in Minecraft. Currently, one has been found that is 22 blocks tall. More details can be read on Reddit.