A massive 12-level dungeon called Tomb of the Eaters has been added to the science fantasy roguelike Caves of Qud. This is a fairly large dungeon that adds much to Qud's elaborate history, as it deals with The Eaters, the long-lost predecessors of Qud's civilization, consisting of strange mutants and human-animal hybrids.
For those who don't know, Caves of Qud is a game where you can be anything from a self-cloning psychic mutant to a cyber-enhanced terminator or a turtle man whose hands breathe fire. It's a roguelike with an old-school aesthetic, one of the most interesting games ever to combine procedural generation with a hand-written storyline... one of the top 100 PC games. Great music, too.
The Tomb of the Eater update also brings tons of new NPCs, objects, and mechanics. There are also lots of new cybernetic implants, items, and item modifications. For example, it is now possible to place radar on the ground. This will be useful in games where you have to crawl around underground caves to do things. There are also these tasty patch notes. What does it mean?
As you can see if you check out the Caves of Qud website, where you'll find all kinds of details about how to purchase the game Caves of Qud was supposed to be released this year after a huge development period, but COVID has thrown a wrench in that schedule. We will let you know when a new date is set.