Video Games Deluxe, the company behind "LA Noire: VR Case Files," is launching a new VR project with Rockstar, a post on the company's LinkedIn page revealed.
Video Games Deluxe, founded by Team Bondi creative director Brendan McNamara, has worked exclusively with Rockstar, but until now only on LA Noire: The VR Case Files. This was released in 2017, and a PSVR version was released last year.
The post, shared on Reddit, was uploaded last week, but no details were given other than that it is open world.
"Having completed the critically acclaimed L.A. Noire: The V.R. Case Files, we are now preparing a new project, a AAA open world title in VR for Rockstar. '2020 marks my seventh year working exclusively for Rockstar in Sydney and I'm excited to take on this groundbreaking project. [We are currently looking for senior programmers, engine programmers, designers and animators. Obviously the project is still a ways off, and Rockstar has yet to comment on this modest announcement. I reached out to Video Games Deluxe to confirm what they are telling me.