Microsoft Flight Simulator's latest development update announced the dates for the final alpha and closed beta versions.
Asobo Studios said they will get a timeline for the closed beta release this week. What we did get was an announced release date, and on July 9, in the next development update, we will finally know when that date will be.
Unfortunately, no other details about the closed beta have been revealed, aside from the fact that it has apparently slipped a bit since we first saw it on the roadmap. Originally expected to be mid-July, it now looks like it will be later this month.
Alpha 5 will accompany the July 9 release date announcement, and another alpha invite has been sent out, so you may be able to go on a flight before the closed beta arrives. Patch notes will be posted at launch.
The development update also reiterates where Flight Sim gets the data to power its virtual world. Asbo and Microsoft have partnered with several companies that provide data on everything from weather conditions and forecasts to global air traffic. The latter is from FlightAware, which is in the spotlight this week. According to the company, its "Firehose" data stream will allow games to simulate real-time air traffic.
If you would like to test fly the closed beta, don't forget to sign up for the Microsoft Flight Simulator Insider. Once registered, you will be invited to future tests and have access to the insider forums.