"Conan Chop Chop" was initially announced as an April Fool's joke in 2019, but Funcom revealed a few months later that the game was actually real. It was supposed to be released in September of that year, but was pushed back to early 2020 to allow developers to add online multiplayer before then.
However, it was then postponed again in February, to the second quarter of 2020. However, that time frame has nearly expired, and Funcom announced today that it has been postponed again "to allow for further development."
Given the seemingly clearly defined scope of "Chop Chop" and the visual beauty of Cyanide & Happiness (I love C&H, but let's face it, we are not talking "Red Dead Redemption 2" level visual complexity here), I'm a little surprised that the estimates are so far off. But somehow April Fool's Day 2020 has passed, and we are no closer to chopping and dicing than we were a year ago when all this silliness began.
On the contrary, we seem to be further along: according to Funcom, Conan Chop Chop is still slated for release this year, but a more specific release target was not given. An exact release date will be announced "at a later date."