Halo 3" testing will begin in early June, details below.

Halo 3" testing will begin in early June, details below.

Test play for the PC version of the Halo 3 Master Chief Collection will take place in the "first few weeks of June," according to the latest update on MCC development. The exact date is still unknown, but it should come no later than June 19 or so.

According to adorably monomaniacal Halo Community Manager Tyler "Postums" Davis, the Halo 3 flight will include many of the long-awaited Halo 3 things. Perhaps the most important is the inclusion of Forge, which will allow players to customize maps for the game. It will also include game modes like Grifball and infection, as well as standard multiplayer like 8vs8 and competitive Team Hardcore. Details of testable campaign missions have also been released, including some excellent missions like The Ark.

We'll keep you posted on the exact timing as more information becomes available, and be sure to keep your PC specs and email up to date on your Halo Insider account so you can play as soon as possible.
