Yesterday, "Grand Theft Auto 4" was considerably enhanced, bringing back songs and radio stations that were removed from the game earlier this year. One of the deleted radio stations, Vice City FM, "had 80s pop bangers."
As soon as the update was released, reports began appearing on both Reddit and the Steam forums that the update was corrupting save files. At least one Redditor stated that completely uninstalling the game, including deleting folders and save games, and then reinstalling the game and using cloud saves got things back to normal, but that is hardly a practical solution.
Fortunately, no harm was actually done to the save and everything returned to normal once the update was rolled back.
"Yesterday's update caused an issue that appears to have temporarily destroyed save files, and the update was recalled," a Rockstar representative explained." The game should now be able to read these save files correctly and we will redeploy the update as soon as possible."
Thank you.
Thanks, Kotaku UK.