Frogwares has announced the next installment in its quietly beloved Sherlock Holmes series. This time Sherlock Holmes is not a dignified middle-aged man, but a very corrupt 21-year-old. Meanwhile, the game is not set in London as in the other Sherlock stories, but this time the murders are investigated on a picturesque, open-world Mediterranean island. Some people are lucky.
As with previous entries in the series, "Sherlock Holmes Chapter 1" is story-driven, but don't expect there to be any bloodshed at all. Holmes is apparently able to "use the environment" to dispose of his enemies without directly killing them (because, of course, that means he doesn't kill them). He has weapons, but mostly he sees and hears.
Most fascinating is that we get to see Sherlock Holmes as a young man. He's going to be a cocky fellow: in a press release, Frogwares describes him as "thoughtless," "arrogant," and "naive"; a Frogwares rep told Gamespot in an interview that he "is not a traditional character. He has an immature talent (to discover the truth). He is more arrogant and more unstable in this game compared to (other) versions."
"Sherlock Holmes: Chapter 1" will be released in 2021 on Steam, Epic Games Store and GOG. See the trailer below.
While we were waiting, Andy was quite fond of "Sherlock Holmes: Crime and Punishment."