Anime Series DLC is now available for the heartwarming adventure game "Paradise".

Anime Series DLC is now available for the heartwarming adventure game "Paradise".

"Paradise" is an adventure game developed by Laura Shigihara, who also wrote the music for "Plants vs. Zombies" and "To the Moon". It is both cute and creepy, layered like a sassy, talking onion man.

To celebrate the third anniversary of Rakuen, an animated series, first announced in 2018, is finally coming to life. The first episode is available on YouTube, while the second episode is available as DLC for the game. It is called "Farmer in the Sky," and features cute characters living on an idyllic floating island that looks like a meal scene from a Miyazaki film.

The second episode of Farmer in the Sky is available on Steam. Hopefully the wait for the third episode won't be as long.
