Call of Duty: Warzone has successfully seduced many players into an endless cycle of drops and shooters, but with that comes a significant number of cheaters Infinity Ward has already taken several steps to address this problem The latest step is the introduction of 2-step SMS authentication for new players.
Verdansk has become so rampant with cheaters that players on the console versions have pulled out of cross-play in hopes of finding fairer matches, and last month Infinity Ward issued 70,000 bans. At the time, Infinity Ward promised improved reporting capabilities and enhanced security updates.
The most satisfactory solution was announced by Infinity Ward a few weeks ago to force players suspected of cheating against each other in matchmaking.
Despite the prevalence of cheaters, Warzone is likely to be a long-term survivor and a constant in the prolific series; Infinity Ward narrative director Taylor Kurosaki recently described the game as "the various sub throughlines that connect all of the franchises."