Hearthstone players can win a free Nemsy Necrofizzle hero skin this week.

Hearthstone players can win a free Nemsy Necrofizzle hero skin this week.

Nemsy Necrofizzle is a Hearthstone Warlock Hero skin that was introduced in 2017 and is available for free to all players. The only way to get this skin is to attend and throw it together at Fireside Gathering, a Blizzard-sanctioned live and in-person fan meetup. This makes it a relatively rare skin and one of the most popular hero skins in the game.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the end of Fireside Gatherings, making the skin unavailable to everyone. So Blizzard is giving away this skin to everyone for the next week: if you log into Hearthstone before May 19, you can get it for free and without interacting with anyone else.

That's it! Log in to Hearthstone and get your Nemsy. You're welcome.

Blizzard today released the Hearthstone 17.2 update, adding three new heroes and a new minion to Battlegrounds (and removing Dire Wolf Alpha). Details.
