"Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath" is a newly announced expansion that will continue the story of the main game and focus specifically on characters such as Sheeva, Huzin, and Nightwolf. This is pretty cool, but the coolest thing about "Aftermath" is Robocop. Yes, Robocop is joining the roster of "Mortal Kombat 11".
The metallic lawman will be available on May 26 alongside Sheeva and Fujin. The price of the pack is $40. There will also be "friendships" and a new arena featuring Soul Chamber, Deadpool, and an unnamed stage set outside of Chronica's Keep; a fourth stage will be added in the form of "Retrocade," which is "a fun mashup of old game stages with a modern presentation. A "fun mash-up of old game stages with a modern presentation.
What is Friendship? Basically, it's this:
As for the story elements of the paid expansion, it will take place immediately after the events of Mortal Kombat 11. Liu Kang ended Chronica. He and Raiden are at the dawn of time, where they prepare to restart history with the Chronica hourglass. But their preparations are interrupted by the arrival of unexpected guests, Fu Jing, Night Wolf, and Shan Tsung."
Check out the trailer below: