Ubisoft has premiered Assassin's Creed Valhalla, albeit a cinematic one. However, like "Odyssey," it appears that Avor's gender is selectable.
Ubisoft did not show a female version of Avor in the trailer, but thanks to the Collector's Edition, we can already see her. The Collector's Edition will include the Ultimate Edition of the game, a small male Avor statue, a soundtrack, and other small items, but none of it compares to this badass Avor figure standing at the bow of a longboat, supposedly hurling curses at the cowardly Saxons. inferior to this figure.
In "The Odyssey" we had two brothers to choose from, but this time it seems we have a choice of a male or female version of the same character. We will have to wait and see if this changes things. Last time, I personally preferred Cassandra, although there was not much difference in the story beyond voice acting and aesthetics.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla will be available later this year through the Epic Games Store, Uplay, and Stadia, but no specific release date has been announced.