Games for Carers presents thousands of games to NHS staff

Games for Carers presents thousands of games to NHS staff

Developers and publishers are working with UKIE to offer free games to NHS employees in appreciation of their efforts to combat the coronavirus outbreak. [This "Games for Carers" initiative is a lovely way to offer those who look after our health a free game or subscription to help them relax when they get home, or if they are not gamers themselves, something they can give to their families. Ideas.

UKIE is working with Keymailer to offer games for all platforms, from PC to mobile, with about 85,000 games added to the list so far. More are expected to be added in the future.

Publishers such as EA, Sega, Xbox, THQ Nordic, and Team 17, as well as independent studios such as ZA/UM, Bossa, and Dovetail Games. This is a big list, and you can see who is collaborating on the giveaway site where NHS employees can sign up and get more details. [The industry is also lending a hand by including safety advice in games, such as "Dirt Rally 2.0. [UKIE CEO Dr. Jo Twist said, "The UK gaming industry is proud to have played a role in delivering an important public health message during this national emergency. Now our community has come together once again to express our gratitude to the truly extraordinary people who make up the NHS frontline team."

Chris Scullion, a gaming journalist, started the effort after he tried to hand out spare codes and saw several NHS employees asking for them. He contacted UKIE, which implemented the idea and invited other industries to join.

The initiative is now up and running.
