MalwareBytes Enters VPN Field as Telecommuters Increase

MalwareBytes Enters VPN Field as Telecommuters Increase

When friends and family come to me for help with malware-related computer problems, one of the first things I recommend is to run Malwarebytes Malwarebytes is effective and popular among the tech-savvy. Currently, the makers of Malwarebytes are trying to get their hands on a virtual private network (VPN) service called simply Privacy.

This timely service was launched as more and more people work from home amidst the Coronavirus pandemic; VPNs provide an additional layer of security and privacy, and the best VPN for gaming can do that without bogging down your Internet connection You can.

The best VPNs usually come at a financial cost, and this VPN is no exception. It can also be bundled with Malwarebytes Premium for $89.99 per year.

I have not yet tried it, so I refrain from recommending, or even recommending, that you try it. Nevertheless, Privacy uses a "very efficient VPN protocol" with 256-bit AES encryption and "will not slow down your computer," according to Malwarebytes.

"The new VPN does not record users' online activity and allows them to choose from virtual servers in over 30 countries to protect their actual location," the company said in a press release.

MalwareByte further claims that it "does not collect any user logs or telemetry data," ensuring that user data remains private, even from the eyes of the user. The company expanded on this point in an email to PCMag, stating that it "does not retain or record any data related to web traffic, DNS requests, IP addresses, user bandwidth, or connections after connecting to a VPN server."

For now, Privacy is only available for Windows; Malwarebytes says it will soon be available for Mac, Android, iOS devices, and Chrome devices.
