RTX Voice wants human voice.

RTX Voice wants human voice.

You can help train the artificial intelligence at the heart of Nvidia's noise suppression application RTX Voice by simply visiting the RTX Broadcast Engine feedback page and submitting a 15-second clip of yourself and your surroundings. And Nvidia probably won't deeply fake your voice for fun or profit, or use it in an AI-humanoid hybrid. Probably.

RTX Voice is a free application (currently in beta) that removes background noise from your microphone and input audio, allowing you to hear your teammates and colleagues clearly.

Technically limited to the latest generation of RTX 20 series graphics cards-Nvidia claims that the application requires the "AI capabilities" of the Turing architecture-but we investigated the backend and found that GeForce GTX found a simple solution to open up RTX Voice support across graphics cards as well.

If you've already tried RTX Voice, you know how good it is at removing annoying background noise. However, it is not perfect. Occasionally, there will be blips or strange vocal artifacts. That's where you come in.

To improve the RTX Broadcast Engine (RTX Greenscreen), the RTX engine behind RTX Voice and RTX Greenscreen, or Vidia's background noise removal technology, Vidia has asked you to record your voice for 15 seconds and provide a sample of the normal background noise in your room They are asking you to provide a sample. Perhaps you have a particularly noisy dog. Capture it and send it to Nvidia and it should no longer be a problem.

Once this is done, agree to Nvidia's terms of service before sending it in. This audio is what you are submitting to be analyzed, so if you don't like it, this is not for you.
