As pointed out on the Subreddit, one of Valorant's premium skins, Prism, removes the black field around the sniper scope, giving users a significant advantage; Riot quickly confirmed that this was not an intentional "premium" bonus and that it was a normal bug.
"This is a bug that will be fixed in a future patch, sorry!" According to Kotaku UK, Nathan Tiras, Quality Assurance Manager at Fancypmgee, Riot's developer, explained. "Competitive integrity is really important to us, and we test to make sure we're not selling power with cosmetic content. Sorry, this is an escape [d] :("
Riot developer Nickwu added in a follow-up post that the bug "only occurs when the material quality is set to LOW."
Valorant players have also taken issue with the price of the Prism skin pack. The pack costs 6,375 Valorant Points, with a bundle of 5,350 VP for $50 and another bundle of 2,050 VP for $20. We know that CS:GO skins can be quite expensive, but it still seems pretty high for a game that is still in closed beta and limited! ...
Riot also released a Valorant patch today. It does not fix the Prism scope bug, but does nerf Raze and Sage.
"There is no doubt that Raze is lethal. Still, we have made some mild changes that bring Raze's attack power closer to that of other agents. We've also buffed melee attacks to give early players a better way to deal with the Sage's barrier orbs. Sage main players shouldn't worry. Your slow orbs will also slow bunny hoppers.
Here are the full list of changes:
Melee Damage
Sage [19]