If you're in the market for 16 games published by 2K Games, the stars are aligned to satisfy your specific shopping desires.
As always, there are three tiers. The cheapest is $1 (AU$1.50), which gets you The Darkness 2, Sid Meier's Pirates, Carnival Games VR, and Spec Ops: The Line. For about $12 (AU$19), you can also get The Golf Club 2019, Civilization III, NBA 2K Playgrounds 2, and the BioShock Collection, which packages all three BioShock titles.
The top-tier, $20, includes all of the above, but bundles NBA 2K20, WWE 2K20, XCOM, Enemy Unknown, Borderlands (Enhanced Edition), Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel Borderlands Handsome Collection will be added.
This means you get a lot of games for a pretty cheap price, and while not all of them are good, it's worth it to get in on all the BioShock and Borderlands games. This bundle is available for the next two weeks.