It didn't take long; the developers of Call of Duty: Warzone temporarily replaced the "Trios" mode with a new "Quads" playlist, but fans weren't happy about it: if trios are crowds, are foursomes clown cars? Anyway, Infinity Ward decided there were enough players to support another playlist, and the trio is back in the game's latest update.
The developer tweeted the news late Thursday night without much detail: "Playlist update is now live on all platforms, BR Trio added to #Warzone!"
Subreddit players noted a strange anomaly after the update, saying that the loot found in Trios mode went back to the game's launch, instead of new loot from the recently released Warzone season 3. However, that has now been corrected.
For Trios fans, it's a happy ending, at least for now. If you don't play Call of Duty battle royale but like to keep up with the series, the competitive Call of Duty League tournament kicks off this Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. You can check out the full schedule here.
Thanks, VG247.