Banner Road headshots are interesting.

Banner Road headshots are interesting.

Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord's sword combat sucks, but he can nail his enemies with arrows and spears; like Tribes: Ascend and its predecessors, he uses his superhuman intuition to predict where the arc of a missile will intersect the face of a moving target. It can feel like you're on horseback. And if your opponent is on horseback, you can watch him jump off his horse, making banner-loading firefights even more fun.

I have a feeling that surprise attacks and trick headshots are going to become popular in Bannerlord. Very nice.

This one is by Mr. DingusDong, whose poor victim's horse is already falling over before the watered-down spearman skewers his brain:

But the best Bannerlord headshot so far is by Trebuchet:

I love everything about this video: the tension of the rocks in the air. The tension of the rocks in the air. The sound of it bouncing. And then it hits the floor. It's bonk of the very highest order.

The same thing done in the opposite direction is not as fun to watch, but the sound effects are still satisfying:

Finally, I'll compliment xXJightXx's 2004 username obsession and this series of villain throws:

A little mean-spirited. It's too funny. Still: nice throw.

If you have any ace kills of your own, please mention them in the comments. If you haven't played Banner Road and want to know more, no one can blame you if you see that trebuchet bonk, but here's why I think it was worth the wait.
