Civilization" Challenger "Humanity"; Fame is the Key to Victory

Civilization" Challenger "Humanity"; Fame is the Key to Victory

In its latest Feature Focus video, Humankind developer Amplitude reveals more about Fame, its answer to the standard 4X win condition We've known a little about Fame for a while, but the focus of the game is not just about conquering territory, It's about making your civilization remembered in history.

However, Amplitude delves deeper into this system in this video, including a more in-depth explanation of the Era Stars system. These stars reflect different styles of play, from population growth to war. And if you earn enough, you can advance from one era to another, increasing your prestige.

"With Humankind, we created a unified victory condition called Fame," says executive producer Jean-Maxime Moris." Fame" basically rewards you for the great deeds you have accomplished, the discoveries you have made, the wonders you have built. It allows you to leave your mark on history. This is a journey through history, not a destination."

"Human Kind" is scheduled for release later this year; check out the preview for more details, including how Amplitude is looking to shake up the predictable endgame of the 4X genre.
