"Totally Reliable Delivery Service" launched today on the Epic Games Store, and while Andy described the game as "a cross between Goat Simulator and UPS," just looking at some of the footage (see below) Just looking at some of the footage (see below) convinced me that it would be a hell of a game to launch with friends. Imagine "Just Cause".
After all, this game is completely free, so there is no barrier to entry. Amazingly, the Epic Games store is offering this game for free until April 9. It is very rare for a new game to launch in this way, so get hooked and play.
The game supports both local and online multiplayer, and collaborative chaos seems to be the game's forte. The game's "unpredictable ragdoll physics" benefit from the presence of all kinds of vehicles, from helicopters to ATVs (and fire hydrants), and the open world could well distract you from the important task of delivering goods to customers. But I don't care about the customer. Let's jump.
Here's the launch trailer: