Minecraft Dungeons is an isometric dungeon crawler that ditches Minecraft's famous crafting and building for a randomly generated dungeon filled with monsters, traps, puzzles, and other underground fun. It looks pretty promising, and Chris says in a new preview, "It's going to be a fun and crazy dungeon crawler - if the loot holds up."
Unfortunately, developer Mojang announced today that the April release schedule will not happen.
The studio did not give a specific reason for the delay, but warned in early March that the delay could be due to a coronavirus outbreak.
They tweeted, "Unfortunately it will affect our workflow as we are working from home to protect the community." We are working hard to bring you 'Minecraft Dungeons' in April, but we are re-evaluating our schedule to make sure we deliver the best game possible."
The biggest potential strength of "Minecraft Dungeons" is that it is a very streamlined hack-and-slasher, except that it is "Minecraft". Since there are no classes or skills, abilities and powers are granted by gear and artifacts acquired through gameplay. Likewise, combat is not overly complex but is, in Chris' words, "speedy, messy, and colorful," with melee and ranged attacks linked to the left and right mouse buttons. Power-giving artifacts are attached to the number keys, and health potions are bottomless.
This simplicity may only appeal to hardcore veterans of games like "Grim Dawn" and "Diablo," but that's not the audience "Minecraft Dungeons" is aiming for anyway. Biogger's potential A potential concern is the loot that characters depend on, which is a bit lacking in both quantity and variety. That said, this preview is based on a beta build, so hopefully that will change for the full release on May 26.