"Resident Evil Resistance," a spin-off of the asymmetrical multiplayer "Resident Evil" starring Martin Sandwich, will be released in April after an open beta that was scheduled to begin today. The beta started as scheduled on Xbox One, but the PC version on Steam (and the PlayStation 4 version as well) has been delayed.
Capcom did not give a reason for the delay or say when the demo would be available, but a representative confirmed that the issue was unrelated to the full release.
In Resident Evil: Resistance, four survivors are trapped in a death maze filled with monsters and traps. Interestingly, this is not the official canonical version of Resident Evil, but Capcom revealed earlier today that the canonical Jill Valentine will be a playable survivor. Fraser seems to think she has an advantage over the younger Martin, but I'm inclined to give the edge to the energetic 14-year-old prodigy. (He's a prodigy, right? I haven't actually checked.)
"Resistance" will be released with "Resident Evil 3" on April 3. That doesn't leave much time to play with the beta, so hopefully Capcom will get this sorted out soon.