Released in 2017, "In the Valley of Gods" was planned as a follow-up to developer Campo Santo's 2016 debut "Firewatch." Set in a secluded valley in the Egyptian desert, "In the Valley of Gods" is a game that builds on many of the elements that made "Firewatch" such a hit: an intriguing mystery with interesting characters, a beautifully isolated It was to build on the events of "Firewatch": a fascinating mystery with interesting characters, a beautifully isolated location that players could explore and appreciate at their own pace.
However, when Campo Santo was acquired by Valve in 2018, many fans worried about the project's future. Their fears seemed unfounded last December when it was announced that development of "In the Valley of Gods" was put on indefinite hiatus while the team worked on other Valve projects, including "Half-Life": including Alyx.
Now, despite the successful launch of the title theoretically allowing Campo Santo to work on other games again, "In the Valley of Gods" is not likely to return to production anytime soon, in an interview with PCGamesN, Chris Remo, a former team member at Campo Santo, admitted that the game is still "on hold for the time being."
"In the Valley of Gods" has not yet been canceled, but there is no immediate prospect for it either; Remo said that because all of the game's developers are busy "working on other things here [at Valve]," the team is "putting [In the Valley of Gods) on hold for a bit and take some time to figure out what that means."
Disturbing news for fans of story-rich indie walking simulators: with the overwhelmingly positive reception of Half-Life: Alyx this week (just ask Steam), Team Campo Santo's focus on this There is no denying that the decision to do so was a strong one.