HTC has announced that its new VR headset, the HTC Vive Cosmos Elite, will ship with Half-Life: Alyx. The headset, which officially launches worldwide today, has improved accuracy by returning to the use of an external base station.The Vive Cosmos Elite features a pair of 1440 x 1700 LCD panels, comes with two Vive controllers, and is priced at $899 (899 pounds).
HTC is clearly excited about the renewed interest in VR with the release of Half-Life: Could Alyx be the "killer app" for VR, said HTC CEO Yves MaƮtre, "With Half-Life: Alyx, Valve believes it can provide the experience and expertise to advance VR gameplay."
Alyx is our first foray into the Half-Life universe since Episode 2. It's a VR-only prequel set in City 17, and you can find lots of footage and more information on everything you need to know about Half-Life: Alyx Summary
For those who have purchased or already pre-ordered the HTC Vive Cosmos Elite, on March 23 A redemption code will be included that will unlock the game when it launches; Vive's latest headset comes at a good time; those interested in purchasing Valve's premium VR headset, Index, are currently on an eight-week waiting list.