AMD has announced a new top-end mobile CPU, the Ryzen 9 4900H. Scheduled for release this spring, this 8-core, 16-thread chip has a base clock of 3.3 GHz, boosted up to 4.4 GHz on a single core. It also has eight graphics cores running at 1750 MHz, in contrast to the previous top-of-the-line 4800H model, which has seven graphics cores running at 1600 MHz. However, the new 4900H maintains the same TDP of 45W.
AMD has had incredible success over the last few years with its Ryzen CPUs and is making serious inroads into areas where Intel dominates. Intel still leads when it comes to gaming, but for those who do everything else on their machines, AMD's Ryzen CPUs should be a definite contender or priority, thanks to their more cores.
However, there is one area that has traditionally been tough for AMD: AMD has long offered competitive chips, especially on the cheaper end, but even when it has been able to get into laptops, they have tended to be unattractive machines and have made no real impact. That all changed this year with the latest mobile CPUs, with several laptop makers first showing off the AMD 4000 H series, and the announcement of the Ryzen 9 4900H is a clear indication that AMD is confident that laptops have a future.
I am still waiting to get my hands on some of these news Ryzen 4000 H-Series laptops, as some models have been delayed in launch, but will report my findings as soon as possible.