E3 2020 was canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak, but Microsoft and Ubisoft have already announced that announcements and news will still continue, but this time through digital events.
The ESA statement on the cancellation of E3 also suggests that an online alternative to the in-person event may take place. Phil Spencer's tweet below suggests that Microsoft will be doing its own activities, but does not rule out participating in an online E3.
Ubisoft has not yet committed to anything, but is currently "exploring options for digital experiences."
With a growing number of publishers, including Sony and Nintendo, already choosing to skip E3 or host adjacent events instead, this could encourage other publishers to follow suit and make it harder for E3 to make a comeback next year.
With two of the biggest industry events of the year cancelled or postponed, many companies will be scrambling to find alternatives. At least in the case of E3, the cancellation was decided months in advance, while GDC attendees were only informed two weeks in advance.