Over the past few years, Minecon Earth has become an online event, rather than a meet-space gathering as Minecon once was. This year, a return to the real world called the Minecraft Festival was planned, and tickets were to go on sale Friday. It is the latest gaming event to be postponed due to the coronavirus.
The Minecraft Festival was scheduled for September, which seemed long enough for the virus to subside, but its effects prevented the event from taking place; as Mojang wrote in a blog post, "Our partners, producers and exhibitors are based around the world. located around the world and are unable to have the necessary meetings and collaborations at this time. We have decided to postpone the project without a clear indication of when we will be able to resume planning."
Minecraft Live, a live streaming event that will run alongside the Minecraft Festival, will still take place.
A summary of coronavirus-related event cancellations can be found here.