Customizable News Hub Now Available on Steam

Customizable News Hub Now Available on Steam

Valve has announced the News Hub for Steam. It's a fully customizable feed that pulls news about events, live streams, content updates, and more. It is currently experimental with Steam Labs, but after a little tinkering, it seems to work fine.

Use your Steam library to drag in all the relevant news, related releases, sales, and other news like the above. You can set it to show only content related to the games in your library, but by default it will show everything: games on your wishlist, games you follow, recommended games, and news about Steam itself. There is also a way to mute updates and news for specific games, even if they are in your library.

Relevant live events appear at the top of the feed, including developer live streams, event duration, and new content alerts. Scroll up to see upcoming events. The site is designed for web browsers and mobile, and can be checked here.

More features will be added. In the coming weeks we will be adding options to personalize the news hub, adding news sources, and adding a new overview page."
