The Division 2" Free to Play This Weekend

The Division 2" Free to Play This Weekend

"The Division 2" has recently been heavily discounted by Ubisoft in an effort to get more people into the battle in Washington, DC. This weekend, the game will be free to play until March 1.

Starting at 8 a.m. GMT/3 a.m. EST on February 27, anyone can embark on a journey to the post-apocalyptic capital. According to Ubisoft, the "full game" is playable, but there is no mention of a presumably expanded version.

If you have played the game in a previous free weekend, your progress will carry over. Now is also the time to do so during the sale. However, the sale is not consistent by region, and the discount is greater in the US at $2.99 than in the UK at £8.59. Still, it's a good price.

The next expansion to The Division 2 is also coming soon, Warlords of New York, which will take agents back to the first game to hunt down naughty rogue agents. Launch is March 3, and if you're drawn to the free weekend, you can pick up The Warlords of New York Edition at a discounted price.

And while you're at it, here's a new short animation to set the scene:
