Take control of a giant laser in the action strategy defense game "Tauru"!

Take control of a giant laser in the action strategy defense game "Tauru"!

We hope you like our game, which seems to combine shooter, wave survival, and tower defense. in Taur, you control a single giant turret surrounded by automated defenses. Then a wave of enemies comes in. Your cannon is powerful, but not everywhere at once, so you launch your optimal attack each time an enemy comes in and obliterate the hordes of enemies with your giant laser while the defenses hold off the rest. It sounds like a normal game, but in motion it is truly thrilling. See:

Of course, the giant laser is not the only option. Taua has a large tech tree to go on for new defenses and artillery options, and the artillery itself has secondary weapons, and then there are more guns on top of that. This seems like Mindustry to me: you spend an entire weekend and suddenly have to go to work on Monday. It's the work that's bad, not the game that eats up the weekend. That's a good thing.

Taur is $25 on Steam, with 10% off through February 26.
