Despite being on the market for more than five years, Dying Light continues to be updated. The latest installment introduces an entirely new difficulty setting for freerunners who want to focus on the game's story.
In the story mode, while the undead threat is weaker, your attacks are much stronger and require less stamina. Falling damage is also less severe, so the penalty for missed jumps is not as severe. You regain twice as much stamina with medikits, and if you die, you lose only half the normal experience points.
Dying Light becomes really dangerous at night, when the tougher Volatiles appear, stalking and chasing players who have not returned to safety. They are enough to scare anyone who wants to enjoy an apocalyptic tale on their own, but the update declares them a bit by making the days longer and the nights shorter.
Money won't be a problem either. Traders will pay more for items sold in the story mode and airdrops will stay on the map twice as long. The only downside to playing Dying Light on this easier difficulty is that it takes a little longer to unlock skills in the Legendary Tree, as the Legendary experience gain is half the normal amount.
If you're playing for the story, it would look something like this Unfortunately, however, it all comes to a halt with the zombie outbreak. Fortunately, the zombies are terrible climbers and you, for some reason, are a master of parkour.
According to developer Techland, in addition to the story mode, new weapons, blueprints, explosive devices, new types of live events, and new costumes have been added. Hopefully this is enough to tide us over after the news that Dying Light 2 has been delayed with an undetermined release date. If not, Dying Light's battle royale mode is now free, and you can always try it out.